Technical Support Options

Elsinore’s Visual Intercept solutions are backed by a comprehensive online and telephone technical support system. From answering simple setup questions to guiding you through a complex configuration, Elsinore’s team of technical support experts can help. Simply fill out our Online Support Request Form, which will be sent directly to our Support Engineers, or phone us:

919-532-0023 (fax)
9 AM to 5PM, weekdays (EST)

Elsinore’s certified professionals also offer online and on-site Visual Intercept training tailored to your specific application needs and computing environment

In addition, you can tap into our Knowledgebase and download the latest Visual Intercept product updates, manuals, user forum, tech tips and technical FAQs directly from our website.

"Your support staff is great - I cannot say enough good things about them. We have been very, very, happy. Being in the service business ourselves, I can't speak highly enough about them... they've been superb."

Bill Budden
SW Engineering Manager - AMCO Automated Systems