Whether you are a new or experienced user of Visual Intercept, we encourage you to participate in the Visual Intercept user forum. The user forum is a place for Visual Intercept users to share their Visual Intercept best practices, experiences, insights, and customizations. John Lockhart, Elsinore's Product Manager, will serve as the forum moderator. We look forward to using the forum as another way to gain valuable insights into how we can further improve our products and services.

Although we intend users to help each other get the most out of Visual Intercept through their unique experiences, we do not intend the forum to be a substitute for technical support. If you have questions that fall outside the scope of this forum, please contact . Our support engineers can best resolve any technical problems.

The forum is hosted by CM Crossroads. CM Crossroads is an extensive online community for information about software configuration management tools and best practices. The Visual Intercept forum is listed in the Developer Tools section of the CM Crossroads Forums. If you are not a current member of CM Crossroads you will first want to visit their Member Registration page. Once you have registered, you can choose to subscribe to the Visual Intercept forum or simply visit the page to check for updates.

If you have any questions or feedback about the Visual Intercept user forum, please contact .