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Visual Intercept for Defect Tracking
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Manage change requests, bugs, defects, problem reports, requirements and improve team communication and performance - across and outside your enterprise.

Visual Intercept gives you the power to manage and control the issues that impact software development and other project life cycles with up-to-the-minute project and process-oriented knowledge. More than 2,500 customers in 35 countries now rely on Elsinore's proven Visual Intercept suite for defect and bug tracking, issue tracking and change management.

Not simply a bug tracker, though, Visual Intercept is a comprehensive enterprise incident management system built from the ground up to integrate with Microsoft development and Office tools. Visual Intercept’s robust features, out of the box integrations, access for customers and end users, and SDK and make it the clear choice for your issue management needs. Try it today!

IssueNet Platform Released for Partners and Solution Providers
Visual Intercept 3.7 Released
CM Crossroads Reviews Visual Intercept Web

bug tracking

GSA Advangage

Microsoft Visual Studio
Certified Microsoft VSIP Partner